Click Medical Critical Injury Box - Low Risk BS8599-1:2019

Click Medical Critical Injury Box - Low Risk BS8599-1:2019
Click Medical



Available in Sizes


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• The new BS8599-1:2019 standard requires that any industry that has the potential risk of a critical injury should have a Critical Injury pack to supplement their normal workplace first aid kits
• The main areas for major trauma injuries would be: dangerous equipment or machinery, sharp instruments, cutting equipment, power tools, construction, agriculture, forestry etc.
• For this reason we have introduced three categories of Critical Injury packs, to cover different risks you might find in the workplace:
Low risk, Medium risk and High risk
• Low risk - Office, small kitchen, shops, small businesses carrying out low risk activities

1 x Guidance note
2 x Large Trauma dressings
1 x Foil blanket
2 x 10x10cm cuteeze dressing
1 x SOF Tactical Tourniquet
1 X Tuff cut scissors